mercredi 4 août 2010

GraniteDS and GlassFish v3

It has been possible to run GraniteDS on GlassFish v3 since the version 2.0, but the configuration is not very well documented and all the example applications (except for CDI) run by default on JBoss and Tomcat.

It's a bit shameful because GlassFish v3 is currently the only stable JEE6 compliant server and provides many features that are well supported by GraniteDS such as JPA 2 and Bean Validation.

First I'm going to show how to run the examples on GlassFish, then I will give more details on the configuration so you will be able to modify the examples to run on GF.

Running the examples

Once you have unzipped the distribution, you will find an examples folder containing various projects. For now only the graniteds_tide_ejb3, graniteds_tide_cdi, graniteds_tide_spring and graniteds_chat provide out-of-the-box configurations for GlassFish.

First setup your environment (Flex SDK and GlassFish home folders) in examples/ :


Then modify the build.xml file in the example project, by commenting the default JBoss section and uncommenting the GlassFish v3 section :
<!-- Default configuration: exploded EAR for JBoss
<property name="exploded.ear.packaging" value="yes"/>
<property name="gds-hibernate.lib" value="yes"/>

<!-- Alternative configuration for GlassFish V3 with EclipseLink using JPA API
<property name="war.packaging" value="yes"/>
<property name="resources.dir" value="resources_glassfishv3"/>
<property name="gds-eclipselink.lib" value="yes"/>

After that, just run "ant deploy" from the command line in the project folder and the example will be built and deployed to the GlassFish server.
Then start the GF default database with "asadmin start-database" and the server with "asadmin start-domain domain1", and browse http://localhost:8080/graniteds_tide_ejb3.

The other Tide examples are similar, the necessary configuration files are in the resources_glassfishv3 folder of the examples projects. The chat example is a bit different, you just have to replace the web.xml by the provided servlet3-web.xml and deploy the example with "ant deploy".

The non-Tide examples should be relatively easy to modify as they don't provide as many features. Probably the only things to change will be :
  • Adapt the JPA persistence.xml for EclipseLink

  • Change the security service in granite-config.xml to GlassFishV3SecurityService

  • Change the EJB3 lookup String to java:global/graniteds_ejb3/{}ServiceBean
Now let's see the necessary configuration in details.

Full setup with Tide, simplified configuration

Before configuring anything, we first have to add the necessary GraniteDS libraries in WEB-INF/lib :
granite.jar : core library
granite-eclipselink.jar : integration with EclipseLink JPA provider
granite-cdi.jar or granite-spring.jar or granite-seam.jar : integration with various frameworks. This is not needed for EJB3 support, it's already built in the core library.

Now let's have a look at what's in the configuration files, for example in the EJB example (note that contrary to JBoss which is not JEE6 compliant, the examples are deployed as war packages and not ear packages) :

WEB-INF/web.xml : It's the standard configuration for JEE6 web archives, notice that it only contains the definition of the security roles, and the persistence unit reference. Thanks to the new web.xml modularization capabilities and new APIs in Servlet 3, GraniteDS can register automatically its servlets and filters.
<web-app version="3.0" xmlns=""





GlassFish requires an additional sun-web.xml to define the security roles mapping. Don't forget to create users with roles user or admin in the administration console, otherwise you won't be able to log in the example application.

WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml : Nothing special here, it's a basic JPA persistence unit using the default database and the built-in EclipseLink provider.

<persistence-unit name="ejb-pu">

Note that for now there is absolutely nothing concerning GraniteDS, we have just setup a basic JEE6 application. The configuration for GraniteDS consists in two files. First an empty WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ to indicate to the GDS scanner that it should scan for annotated EJB3 in WEB-INF/classes (note this file is only necessary when using EJB3). Then a configuration class annotated with @FlexFilter that will tell GraniteDS to use automatic configuration.
tideInterfaces={ EjbIdentity.class }
public class GraniteConfig {

@MessagingDestination(noLocal=true, sessionSelector=true)
AbstractMessagingDestination addressBookTopic;


GraniteDS is registered as a Servlet 3 initializer class that is triggered by the @FlexFilter annotation. The configuration itself is defined by the annotation parameters. The fields annotated with @MessagingDestination define messaging destinations with the same name than the field name.

This defines the simplified configuration for the application. It is however possible to override all this with the 'standard' GraniteDS configuration files.

Full setup with Tide, detailed configuration

Basically there are 3 configuration files :

WEB-INF/web.xml : defines the GDS listeners and servlets
<!-- Granite config context listener -->



This defines exactly the same thing as the simplified configuration, and there is rarely any good reason to use a different url mapping.

Next is the more interesting WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml. It is similar to the equivalent Flex Remoting / BlazeDS / LCDS configuration.

! Declares channels.
<channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

<channel-definition id="gravityamf" class="org.granite.gravity.channels.GravityChannel">

! Declares ejbFactory service factory.
<factory id="tideEjbFactory" class="org.granite.tide.ejb.EjbServiceFactory">

! Declares Flex services. This configuration uses automated destinations
! discovery: see (the
! @RemoteDestination(id="person", securityRoles={"user","admin"}) annotation)
! and granite-config.xml (the scan="true" attribute). There is no need to
! set the factory: since only one factory is configured, it will be used by
! default.
! See also Persons.mxml for the RemoteObject configuration.
<service id="granite-service"
! Use "tideEjbFactory" and "graniteamf" for "ejb" destination (see below).
<destination id="ejb">
<channel ref="graniteamf"/>

<service id="gravity-service"
<adapter-definition id="simple" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.SimpleServiceAdapter"/>

<destination id="addressBookTopic">
<channel ref="gravityamf"/>
<adapter ref="simple"/>


First are the channel definitions. Here we have one AMF remoting channel and one Gravity (comet-style messaging) channel. Of course the endpoint URIs should match the servlet mappings what we specified in web.xml.

Then we find the factory definitions. In this example we define an EJB3 service factory that will route AMF remoting request to the corresponding beans. This factory requires one specific property, the JNDI lookup string. Other factories could require different properties.

Lastly we have the more interesting service definitions. Here we define one remoting service with the Tide EJB destination mapped to the AMF channel and the EJB service factory. Then we define a messaging service with a simple messaging destination. As before this is exactly the same configuration than was defined with the simplified configuration. These defaults are suitable for most usages, you will very rarely need to change something here. The only things that you will eventually have to define here are messaging destinations (but you can also define them with the simplified configuration). Remoting destinations are automatically discovered by the GraniteDS class scanner.

The last configuration file is WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml. It contains all the GraniteDS specific internal configuration parameters (thread pool parameters, externalizers, converters...). You can refer to the documentation to get details on these parameters.

That's all for the basic stuff. As you have noticed, there are not many specific parameters for GlassFish, except maybe the EJB lookup string, and the Gravity Servlet 3 servlet. Let's see now how to integrate GraniteDS with the various pieces of JEE6 features :

Integration with container security

The simplified configuration auto-detects the container and registers the correct security integration service. You can also define it manually in granite-config.xml :
<granite-config scan="true">
<security type=""/>

This integration service allows to use container security to authenticate and authorize Flex clients. It also allows to propagate the security context to other server components.

Integration with EclipseLink JPA provider

GraniteDS is able to serialize correctly EclipseLink detached entities. When using the default configuration with scanning enabled, adding the granite-eclipselink.jar is enough to provide this support, otherwise you can manually add the externalizer and class getter configuration in granite-config.xml :
<class-getter type="org.granite.eclipselink.EclipseLinkClassGetter"/>

<externalizer type="org.granite.eclipselink.EclipseLinkExternalizer">
<include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>

When using the Tide framework, Tide needs to have access to an EntityManager to support transparent lazy loading. You can define it in services-config.xml in the property entity-manager-factory-jndi-name of the Tide destination :
<destination id="ejb">
<channel ref="graniteamf"/>

You can also define this in the simplified configuration :
public class GraniteConfig {

As this is a relative JNDI name, you also have to define the persistence-unit-ref in web.xml :

Alternatively you can use the entity manager JNDI name. It's maybe better because it lets the container manage the persistence context.
<destination id="ejb">
<channel ref="graniteamf"/>

public class GraniteConfig {


Integration with Bean Validation

The integration mostly consists in correct exception translation of validation errors to standardized client-side errors, and of support of remote validation of input fields with the TideInputValidator Flex component. Note that it is supported only when using the Tide service factory.
First you need to add the granite-beanvalidation.jar library in WEB-INF/lib.
If you disable the automatic scanning, you have to register the exception converter manually in granite-config.xml :

For remote validation, you have to define the validator class name in the destination properties :
<destination id="ejb">
<channel ref="graniteamf"/>

Note that this will not be necessary from GraniteDS 2.2.0.RC1 as this will be the default when bean validation libraries are available. Also the property name will be changed to validator-class-name for consistency with other property names.

I've probably not covered all questions about GlassFish v3 support in GraniteDS, so don't hesitate to post comments if some things are still unclear.

1 commentaire:

ARomanyuk a dit…

Hi, William!
How to configure logging for GDS in Glassfish?
