samedi 22 janvier 2011

Maven archetypes updated with GDS 2.2 SP1

Following the release of GraniteDS 2.2.0 SP1, we have updated the Maven archetypes (now version 1.0.0.RC2).

Unfortunately because of some weird behaviour of the Maven archetype plugin, it is now necessary to specify the archetype repository 'central' to be able to use the latest version :
mvn archetype:generate

There have been a few changes and fixes :
  • Upgrade to GDS 2.2 SP1
  • Upgrade to flexmojos 3.8 (so mvn flexmojos:flashbuilder should work)
  • Fixed bad default package name in Spring archetype
  • Changed Java compile options to 1.6

Update 25/01/2011 : seems the central archetype catalog is now up-to-date :
mvn archetype:generate